The magical season of Autumn is on deck! Let me share with you how to bring the dynamic colors of this season onto your front porch in no time.

Autumn, It’s my favorite time of the year!  It’s also my favorite decorating season. Decorating our front porch, during the fall, is well, simply the best!

1. Choose a Color Pallet To get started, I like to first choose a color pallet with which to work in. This year I chose the colors purple and orange.

2. Add all the Autumn Flowers Sunflowers are happy flowers. Whether you grow them yourself or pick them up at your local supermarket.

3. Apples Go apple picking or pick up a bushel of your favorite apples at your local farmer’s market.

4. Cornstalks Cornstalks add an enormous amount of coziness and Autumn spirit to any front porch.  Here I attached them to our porch's beams.

5. Add Curbside Appeal with Autumn Flower Containers.  Here I added purple asters to a pair of thrifted and recycled garden urns.

6. Tabletop Fire Pit The cool crisp air of autumn attracts us to our cozy fireplaces, stoves, and outdoor fire pits.

7.  Vintage inspired tables like this old wallpaper table make ideal tables on long narrow porches.  Join me on the blog to see more fall porch table settings.

Join me on the blog for the best in thrifty and vintage home decorating ideas!  A place for inspiration and community for all of those who embrace antiques, flea markets, cozy, and second-hand decor.