Blue and White Asymmetrical Vintage Platter Wall | Design Yours Today


Have you ever wanted a wall full of your favorite vintage platters in your home? Let me show you how to design your very own asymmetrical platter wall, using my favorite, vintage blue and white collected platters.

APPLY ADHESIVE DISKS Follow the basic directions on the package by naturally adding water to the disk, and then mounting it to the back of your platter. Let the disks dry overnight before hanging.

How do you hang a plate on a wall? Picture Hangers, Hammer, and Tape Measure Old fashioned nails, hangers, and a hammer. I used these simple picture hangers that I already had in a drawer. I like using smaller mounts like these as they do less damage to the walls with the smaller nails. And I find them very secure holding 30lb – 100 lbs. a hook.

Create your design

Step 3 / Add Your Own Character Designs I completely winged the rest of my vintage platter wall by adding a few of my own touches here and there. With a little crazy glue, I added two tea cups and two small bowls to each of the open-faced platters. I liked the layers and vintage charm it added to each platter.

I’m certain I will be tweaking my vintage platter wall quite often. And I hope I inspired you to start designing your own platter wall at home today too. It really is very simple. It just takes a bit of planning and patience! But it’s all so worth it!