Accompany me to the Southern Vermont Arts and Crafts Shows near me this weekend. Let’s start this fall season out right!

Let's do what we do best: embrace the beauty and the nature of creativity and get inspired by people “who do” along the way.

What I love about attending arts and crafts shows near me is meeting all the friendly vendors and visitors who bring creativity and diversity to our local communities.

We swooned over the Clinton Pottery, The earthy color tones and unique styles were just fabulous. My favorite were the spaghetti and berry strainers.

A friendly chat with my friends over at Ardent Flame Candles, now known as Vermont’s premier candle company out of Bennington, Vermont. They are so proud of their natural soy candles and products.

The owner at Fleur De Lise Beads & Boutique and I laughed together about how her  mannequin's wardrobe reminded us of an ensemble that Carrie Bradshaw from “Sex in the City” would have worn.

I fell in love with Deena's paintings who is a Nomad that travels the world by herself.  I bought two of her fabulous paintings!

Here are Deena’s paintings hanging up in the corner of our Vermont guest bedroom that I’m currently working on transforming into the look of an old country inn.

Join me on the blog to see more of people who inspire and "who do".  Along with all the upcoming arts and crafts festivals near this fall.

Join me on the blog for the best in thrifty and vintage home decorating ideas!  A place for inspiration and community for all of those who embrace antiques, flea markets, cozy, and second-hand decor.