Christmas Buggies & Go Karts Decoration Ideas Get Creative & Enjoy The Ride!

Transform your buggies and go-karts into a magical Christmas experience with these top decoration ideas! Get creative and enjoy the ride!

Thrifted Buggies & Go Karts

Green Buggies Go-Karts

How cute is this evergreen go-kart that I found over Thanksgiving weekend for just $40 at Chandler & Co. barn sale in Berwick, Maine? It was newly painted and all in working order! But my thoughts immediately went to decorating this buggy for Christmas somewhere on our Vermont porch.

Buggies Go Cart in Vintage Haul

You may enjoy seeing more of this porch first in the Front Porch Holiday Decorating Ideas with Classic New England Charm post.

A little related fact about me: I had a go-kart growing up and love all things race cars. I attended the “Skip Barber Racing School” when I was in my 20s and received my race car driving license while living in Connecticut. I never kept up with racing, as it’s a super expensive hobby, but I loved it all. Photo: Me racing a Formula Ford at the Skip Barber Racing School, 1992.

Race Car with Driver
Skip Barber Racing School Logo

Now, today, in my 50s, I simply partake in the joy of decorating with these fun toys. So when I spied this $40 green go-kart buggie designed as a Formula Ford racing car, it was love at first site!

*Where can I buy a vintage Go Kart? I scoured the internet to see if I could find a few buggies for you to shop. But go-karts are definitely hard-to-find items. Keep an eye out on eBay, Etsy, and Facebook Marketplace, which are your best bets to find an old go-kart. Or maybe make one for yourself; there are a number of “Build-It-Yourself Go Kart Kits” available on Amazon.

Do you know what else would be similarly cute if you can’t find an old go-kart buggie?

A vintage bicycle, tricycle, old cart, scooter, stroller, or wagon. Think outside the box to replicate a similar idea of your own for the holidays.

*I was just informed that these are called pedal cars, and you can find all kinds of amazing vintage pedal cars on Etsy and eBay. Thanks for the tip, Stacey! I had no idea…

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Go Kart Christmas Buggie on the Porch

It all started out looking something like this…

Christmas Buggies & Go Karts Decoration Ideas: Get Creative & Enjoy The Ride!

*Decorating is definitely a process, though; wait until you see how and where this go-kart ended up!

Displayed on our vintage wallpaper table, the go-kart’s evergreen colors matched the porch beautifully. At first, I thought I would wrap one of these grapevine wreaths with fresh evergreen branches and red winterberries to hang from the buggy go-kart’s white steering wheel.

Until I remembered this Christmas box that I had in our basement with a Bernese Mountain Dog puppy on it, and I thought of how cute the go-kart would be with a bundle of packages similar to many of the VW Bugs you see all around the internet during Christmas time.

Go Karts with Christmas Packages

So, I grabbed a few of my favorite Christmas boxes that wouldn’t require wrapping (being outdoors and all). However, if you wanted to gift wrap boxes and bundle them together to match your decor, how fantastic would that be?

I wrapped the three boxes as tightly as I could with the red and white twine that I had on hand and rested them on the buggie go-kart’s small seat.

Packages Wrapped with Twine on Christmas buggies Go Karts

Next, I added some simple evergreens with winterberries, topped off with a burgundy bow on top of the packages to match the kissing balls on the rest of our Christmas porch.

You may also enjoy the 63+ Thrift Store Decor Ideas For The Best Vintage Home Look, Thrifting with the Gals end of the year round-up post.

Go Kart Christmas Buggie In The Home

I just love this go-kart buggy, but being on the porch, I wasn’t able to see it enough for my liking. Therefore, I decided to bring the go-kart inside to our dining room table.

See more of this dining room in the 12 Table Topics with Thrifted Tea and Toast Fanfare, and you may also enjoy the Cozy Winter Dining Room with Ski Lodge Decor | Get the Look post.

Christmas Boxes with evergreens

You may also enjoy the Experience The Joy Of 12 Days Of Christmas Decorations post.

Now, I know this may not seem practical for many, but it’s so darn cute my family will just need to adjust to it on our table for the time being…

Christmas Go Karts on Dining Room Table

Next, I added the cutest little driver to this Christmas buggie go-kart, who will be delivering the Christmas packages to his besties. A stuffed bear, who has suddenly caught the attention of Ella, our Bernese Mountain dog…

Christmas bear on buggies go karts with packages

And I couldn’t stop there, could I?

A hat, scarf, and goggles complete the go-kart’s driver’s Christmas outfit.

Stuffed Bear with Goggles, Hat, and Scarf on Go Karts

I used ski goggles, a hat, and a scarf that my husband gave me last Christmas. But how cute would an aviator hat and goggles be?

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He reminds me of the “Red Baron” from the Peanut’s cartoon.

Buggies Go Karts with Bear in Goggles and Hat on Table.

Now, I want to have a neighborhood gathering to show off my thrifted buggy go-kart as the centerpiece, surrounded by holiday appetizers and cheer.

This cute buggy go-kart, now with its little Red Baron, could be relocated and displayed in a hallway, in a guest bedroom, under a Christmas tree, or even in an office. It’s so darn cute; we just love it!

Buggies Go Karts with Bear in Goggles and Hat on Table.

You may also enjoy this Cabin Decor: 8 Winter Table Setting Ideas post.

The Red Baron Rides On

But wait a minute… I have a Snoopy, “a funny-looking dog with a big black nose!”

“So a hero arose.”

Snoopy on a Christmas Go Kart

“10, 20, 30, 40, 50, or more, the Red Baron was rolling up the score.”

Do you know that song? “Snoopy Vs. The Red Baron?” I loved that song so much when I was a child. Being a big fan of Snoopy and all.

Snoopy Red Baron on Christmas Go Kart

You may also enjoy the Love and Heartache with a Bernese Mountain Dog post.

So what’s your favorite? The bear or Snoopy go-kart driver?

And I know, I think Snoopy should have a red scarf too, but our one and only red plaid scarf is reserved for our alive, funny-looking dog with the big black nose, Ella.

Snoopy on Christmas Go Kart and Bernese Mountain Dog

Did you know they don’t sell Snoopy’s like this in stores anymore? I looked everywhere. There are a few on Etsy, but I couldn’t find any in the big box stores. There are similar ones, but none of the original Snoopy’s that are today, considered vintage…

You may also enjoy the blog series Vintage Ski Lodge Decorations.

Favorite Racing Movies

If you enjoy go-karts and racing cars as I do, here are a few of my favorite racing movies that you may also fancy.

Now it’s time for you to get creative and enjoy the ride! I’d love to see what you come up with and would be happy to share it here on the blog, too. You can drop me an email and photos HERE.

Snoopy on Christmas buggies go kart

Happy Holidays!

I’m so glad you dropped by, and if you are new to my blog, welcome! I hope you enjoyed your visit with us today at our Home in Vermont.

Be sure to check out our Home in Coastal Maine, too, where we spend summers and weekends when we are craving a walk on the beach or a visit with old friends.

Christmas Buggies & Go Karts Decoration Ideas Get Creative & Enjoy The Ride!

I’ve created the above custom pin just for this post!  Hearing from you makes my day; your comments mean so much! Please join me over on Instagram and Pinterest to see more!

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  1. So much fun Ann! I love the way you decorated with the buggy, but I really loved learning about you and your love for racing! That photo is so amazing!

  2. Kathy Munday says:

    Oh oh…. Ella is going to be bummed with Snoopy at the helm of that ADORABLE pedal cart! Too cute!!!!

    1. Yes she is, especially because the Snoopy is hers, LOL Thanks for stopping by Kathy, happy holidays!

  3. Super cute, super fun and super festive. I believe it’s the best table decoration this season. You go girl. Merry Christmas

    1. I’m so glad you like it. We laugh over it every day it’s so cute😂👍🏻

  4. Susan Mogensen says:

    Hi Ann,

    Well, this is such a surprise to learn that you raced Formula Ford cars!!!
    I am glad that you found this treasure and love what you have done with it…which is no surprise at all!
    Love your blog!

    1. Thank you so much Susan, I always love hearing from you too!

  5. Cindy@CountyRoad407 says:

    I just knew you’d do something fabulous with the kart! I love all the ideas. And it definitely needs to be inside on your table. Especially with the color. Hope you have a wonderful holiday season. Merry Christmas

    1. Thank you Cindy, I had so much fun with this, I just love it! You’re so sweet, happy holiday!

  6. Hi Ann! You are too funny! This is the cutest! My vote is for Snoopy — such childhood memories! Remind me NOT to ride in the car with you driving, ha!

    1. Lol for me too Molly. Oh but I’m a good driver Molly! wink wink. Happy Holidays!

  7. Kathy Rapp says:

    Good Morning Ann, I was up at 6am this morning reading your post and had to let you know how surprised I was to read that you have your race car driving license! I never would have imagined you behind the wheel of a race car, but how amazing! I live just north of Indianapolis and now every time I drive through there I’m going to think of you speeding around and winning the Indianapolis 500!!! I can see it now, Ann winning the checkered flag, of course I’d be cheering you on the entire race sitting beside Ella 🙂 Anyway, I love the idea of displaying the go cart for Christmas on the dining room table. I’m sure your friends and neighbors will not be surprised at this new addition to your decorations. I can’t decide which I like best, the bear or Snoopy, you might have to find an airplane for Snoopy and put him on the porch. Knowing your good fortune at finding so many wonderful and fun items, you won’t have any trouble finding one 🙂 Thanks for another awesome post, it made my morning 🙂 I pray that you and your family will have a blessed Christmas. Can’t wait to see more great ideas from you and Ella.

    1. Aww thank you Kathy. Well I was in my early 20’s when I did it, but I really loved it all. An airplane would be so adorable wouldn’t it? I’m definitely going to keep my eye out for one! Happy Holidays Kathy!

  8. Rachel Harper says:

    What a cute find.

    1. Thanks Rachel, I had a lot of fun with it so far!

  9. Lisa Anderson says:

    Loving the vintage pedal car and definitely Snoopy! Is there even any competition?? The goggles made me crack up…made me think of the dogs in the Caribbean who wear them while riding in the dinghy. Super cute and fun post Ann! And of course, hello to Ella!

    1. Lisa, I had so much fun with this and I never want to take it down, it’s so cute! I might have to splurge on an aviator hat and goggles for Snoopy now as I’m going to need my ski goggles soon!

  10. Ann, this is THE cutest idea! What a fun thing to have on your porch.

    It just popped into my head that those might be called pedal cars. I searched “vintage pedal cars” on Ebay and there are lots of them in different shapes and styles. How cute!!

    1. Oh my goodness Stacey, thank you so much I’m going to head over there right now. Pedal cars, who knew? Thanks so much!

  11. Joyce Faircloth says:

    Oh my Ann love this idea and snoopy gets my vote. Also looking forward to the ‘house tours’ on Saturday.

    1. Thanks so much Joyce no had so much fun with this one. I love Snoopy too. See you on Saturday for the home tours👏🏻👏🏻