Sugar Glider Kitchen School with Gesine Bullock-Prada of Baked in Vermont, Insights from a Novice

Sugar Glider Kitchen School with Gesine Bullock-Prado of “Baked in Vermont.” Why you’ll love it, how to get in, where it’s at, and so much more.

One day, as a blog reader, I asked you what you would like to see from me in 2022. And a few of you responded that you’d like to see and learn more about the Sugar Glider Kitchen School.

Oh my gosh, how had I never heard of this before? So I got busy!

I watched all the past “Baked in Vermont” shows on the Food Network. I was instantly hooked by Gesine Bullock-Prado’s love for baking, along with her beautiful home and Sugar Glider Kitchen in Vermont. And she happens to be the sister of one of my all-time favorite actresses, Sandra Bullock.

What is the Sugar Glider Kitchen School?

The Sugar Glider Kitchen is a baking school run by pastry chef and baking instructor Gesine Bullock-Prado and located in Hartford, Vermont, in a converted carriage house of a historic tavern, offering intimate classes of 8-12 bakers.

Sugar Glider Kitchen School with Gesine Bullock-Prado of "Baked in Vermont", Insights from a Novice

How do I Attend the Sugar Glider Kitchen School?

It is extremely challenging to get into one of Gesine’s classes. Join Sugar Glider Kitchen’s Facebook page and Subscribe to Gesine’s mailing list for updated class schedules and cancellations.

I received an email with one opening due to a cancellation and responded ASAP. That’s how I was able to get in. You’ll need to be quick and very flexible when this opportunity comes your way.

Seriously, responding in like 5 minutes…

How Much Does the Sugar Gliders Class Cost?

The cost for the class I took was $105. Bargain!

Spooky Pot Pie

The cooking class I attended the day before Halloween was called “Spooky Pot Pie.”

Here are a couple of Gesine’s “Spooky Pot Pie” creations.

Where is the Sugar Glider Kitchen School?

The Sugar Glider Kitchen School is located just between quaint Woodstock and White River Junction in Hartford, Vermont.

Sugar Glider Kitchen School with Gesine Bullock-Prado of "Baked in Vermont", Insights from a Novice

Up a winding Vermont back road is an old farmhouse, and in the back is Gesine’s Sugar Glider cooking kitchen and cooking school.

With its old wooden beams, stone flooring, and all the characteristics of a home built in the 1700s.

You may also enjoy the Cottage Core Inspired by 3 Days Glamping in the Adirondacks post.

Sugar Glider Kitchen School with Gesine Bullock-Prado of "Baked in Vermont", Insights from a Novice

Sugar Glider Kitchen School Spooky Pot Pie Class

The cooking classes consist of 8-12 participants. And we worked together in pairs at a long cooking table like the one shown above.

Gesine had chopped up all the vegetables and measured (weighed) out all the food contents we would need for our recipe, and it was all tastefully presented on the cooking tables that awaited us.

We were each given an apron, the recipe, and a maple Cappucino made by her husband, Raymond.

Gesine presented every step for us from her kitchen station at the head of the class.

Gesine Bullock-Prado

Gesine was extremely passionate, enjoyable, and theatrical!

After each presentation, she would put her disco music on, and we would bake to tunes like “I Believe in Miracles, You Sexy Thing.”

Gesine Bullock-Prado of "Baked in Vermont"

We learned why King Arthur Flour and Philadelphia Cream Cheese are her baker’s choices.

Sugar Glider Kitchen School with Gesine Bullock-Prado

And why I needed this kind of rolling pin, made locally right down the road by Andrew Pearce.

Gesine Bullock-Prado

You may also enjoy the How to Use Rolling Pins as Bakers Pantry Door Handles post.

I made my first ever homemade pie dough from scratch.

Two balls of dough

And created the most handsome and delicious “Spooky Pot Pie” ever…

Spooky Pot Pie

While we waited for our “Spooky Pot Pies” to bake in the oven, Gesine made her favorite cheese puffs for us all to munch on.


And I think we all agreed that putting the pie boxes together to take home with us was the biggest challenge of all.

Spooky Pot Pie

The class ran from 10:00 – 1:00, and Gesine was very happy to take photos with all of us.

Here we are covered in flour after a great Sunday morning cooking at the Sugar Glider Cooking School with Gesine Bullock-Prado of “Baked in Vermont,” along with my cooking partner Jodi.

3 Women

Just another reason to visit our wonderful state of Vermont.

You may also enjoy a few of my other favorite things to do when in Vermont like A Fall Visit to The Vermont Country Store and Vintage Market Days Fall 2022 Vermont.

Oh, and this Behind the Scenes Photo Shoot with Country Sampler Magazine at our home in Coastal Maine.

Sugar Glider Kitchen School with Gesine Bullock-Prado of "Baked in Vermont", Insights from a Novice

It’s now Halloween eve, and I’m reluctantly off to eat my “Spooky Pot Pie.”…

Sugar Glider Kitchen School with Gesine Bullock-Prado of "Baked in Vermont", Insights from a Novice
Purple masquerade mask on brown wig with witches hat for Halloween.

Pro Tip

Find more Halloween inspiration and ideas in this Witchy Decor Halloween Aesthetic Mannequin Ideas posst.

My Vermont Table

You can order Gesine’s recently published “My Vermont Table” cookbook now, too. It’s fabulous!

Sugar Glider Kitchen School with Gesine Bullock-Prado of "Baked in Vermont", Insights from a Novice

You may also be inspired by the Eclipse 2024 Vermont, RV Boondocking post.

A Vintage Affair

If you have any thoughts, comments, or suggestions, I’d love to hear from you. Please share in the comments below. And be sure to share this blog post link with your friends who are also vintage enthusiasts.

Do you have a flair for all things vintage, too? I would love to see and feature you in our Reader’s Showcase Series. A place for you to share and be recognized for your talents and passion for all things thrifting, vintage, and antique decor-related inspired by your time here with Dabbling & Decorating. Email me at

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Sugar Glider Kitchen School with Gesine Bullock-Prado of "Baked in Vermont", Insights from a Novice
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  1. I just signed up for a class in May but my big fear is a lot of these bakers will have quite a bit of experience. Do you know if there are some that have never made what they signed up for? I plan on practicing but I’m already getting anxious. And your pie came out perfectly!

    1. Oh Lisa, I don’t cook at all, haha. You don’t need to know a thing. She does all the measuring for you and you will have a partner too. It’s very easy, informative, and fun. Relax and enjoy yourself. In the class I took, they were all ages, and from all over. All different experiences. You’ll have a wonderful time, I promise!

  2. Carol Krason says:

    You are so lucky to get into this school, I loved watching her on the food network. I wish I was local so I could attend, I’m enjoying the experience through you. Enjoy!!!!!!

  3. This looks like it was such a fun morning, Ann! I love taking cooking classes at Saltwater Farm in Lincolnville, ME. Your pie came out great! I need one of those rolling pins!

    1. It was really fun and yes you’d love the rolling pins for sure, right up your alley!

  4. This is absolutely wonderful Ann! I’m definitely going to put this on my list of places to go when I can schedule my Vermont trip. Thanks so much for sharing!

    1. I hope you get in Wendy, you will love it so much!